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非遗中国说《党旗下的国学大师》 ——玄真子

2024-09-25来源:网络阅读: 1359


易经是全经之首,大道之源,是中华民族 5000 年智慧 的结晶。易经对中国文化的影响至深至巨,易学哲学在各个层面, 多个范畴影响着人们的宇宙观、思维方式及价值体系。 易经等传统文化是中华民族的文化之根、民族之魂,传承 和弘扬我国优秀传统文化,是我们的使命,是“文化中国” 的重要内容。 作为易学实战专家的程新宏先生,更是深谙易学、风水 学等中国传统文化,视传承弘扬国学为己任,默默奉献社会, 贡献力量。

The I Ching is the first of the whole classics, the source of the road, and the crystallization of the 5000 years of wisdom of the Chinese nation. The influence of I Ching on Chinese culture is very profound. I Xue philosophy influences people's cosmology, thinking mode and value system at all levels and in many categories. Traditional culture such as the Book of Changes is the cultural root and the soul of the Chinese nation. It is our mission to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of China and an important content of "Cultural China". As a practical expert in Yi learning, Mr.Cheng Xinhong is well versed in traditional Chinese culture such as Yi learning and feng shui, and regards inheritance and carrying forward Chinese culture as his own duty, silently contributing to the society and contributing his strength.


Cheng Xinhong, Dao name: Cheng Zongtan, easy name: Xuan Zhenzi. Born in 1965 in Jingyuan, Ningxia, with a bachelor's degree. He graduated from China Taoist College in June 2009. Currently, he is the vice president of the World Easy Learning Leaders Association, the standing director of Gansu Taoist Association, the vice president of Pingliang Taoist Association, the standing director of Guyuan Taoist Association in Ningxia, the chief representative of Taoism in Jingyuan County, Ningxia, and the director of Laotan Cultural Research Center in Jingyuan County.


In January 2001, he was an expert in China.


In April 2001, he won the title of international famous learning expert.


In August 2009, he won the first world Easy Learning Industry unity and progress excellent paper special prize.


In September 2009, it was awarded as "Authoritative Expert of China Easy Learning Industry".


In August 2011, he won the Excellence Award of the first Ningxia Taoist Xuanwu Gate Lecture activity.


In August 2012, he won the first Outstanding Zhouyi Star Prediction Research Award.


In 2018, as an outstanding representative of yi learning industry, he entered the database of Chinese influent。ial figures.


In 2022, he served as a visiting professor of Decision China Expert think tank

2023年8月,成为北京华夏寻根之旅文化院副院长In August 2023, he became the vice president of Beijing Huaxia Journey Cultural Institute


Since 1988 is engaged in Taoism and yi research, in 1995, engaged in "tao", "yi", "medicine", "Yin and Yang," feng shui "," geography ",", "numerology", "modern economic prediction", "psychology", "modern zhouyi", "traditional dragon culture" nearly 30 years.


Cheng Xinhong Road long telephone 13993351599


Working address: Gansu Pingliang Kongtong Mountain ancient town five color pool no. 16 Kongtong mountain road long Zhouyi studio.


The Book of Changes has become a must read for Chinese emperors in all dynasties. It is the way of governing a country and the treasure of building a country. Almost all the emperors and generals with outstanding talent and historical influence became attached to the Book of Changes. Moreover, the scientific ideas contained in science and technology, culture, medicine, biology, chemistry, architecture and other aspects of the Book of Changes also play an irreplaceable guiding role. Reviewing the process of the birth, development and prosperity of the Yi thought, it is not difficult to see that the wisdom of the sages played a great role in the progress of human social civilization. The development and application process of easy learning also shows a truth: when history is in the critical period of prosperity and transition, the development of easy learning is more widely applied and promoted; in turn, in the era when easy learning is respected and developed, social civilization will make more brilliant progress!

  1. 远古为易学的萌芽诞生时期

1. Ancient for the beginning of easy learning


1、Fu Xi painted the innate Eight Diagrams, and became the ancestor of the Eight Diagrams


2、The restoration of the eight diagrams was 64 hexagrams, written Lianshan Yi, which laid the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine


3、Huangdi created the book "Return to Tibet Yi," with "kun" as the first place.


二、The development period of Yi Xue was mainly in the Zhou, Han, Three Kingdoms, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties


Zhou generation

  1. 周文王创造后天八卦,为《易经》六十四卦配写卦辞

1、King Wen of Zhou created the Eight Diagrams after the day and wrote the words for the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes


2、Zhou Gong, an outstanding statesman of the Western Zhou Dynasty, wrote three hundred and eighty-six lines of lines


3、Lao Tzu, Emperor Huangdi's "Return to Tibet" first emphasized kun soft, and advocated quiet inaction.


4、Confucius once asked the easy Lao Tzu. Confucius read Yi, "Wei made three wonders", made "Ten Wings", and gave full play to its essence. Qin and Han Yi learning has him a line of inheritance. Confucius sighed in his later years: add me for several years, fifty to learn easy, can not be too big!


5、Bu Shang, a proud disciple of Confucius, learned from Confucius, studied and taught the Return to Tibet, and wrote the Biography of Zi Xia Yi; Zou Yan founded the school of Yin and Yang and "Five virtues always said", which directly gave birth to the theory of the Western Han Dynasty.

  1. 秦王朝秦始皇“焚书坑儒”,却没有烧《易经》。

(二)In the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Qin Shihuang "burned books and buried scholars", but did not burn the Book of Changes.


(三)、Han Dynasty


Zhang Liang was proficient in gossip, developed the door of dun armour, and was one of the great predictors praised by later generations, marking Jiang Ziya's "Song of Heaven and Earth"

  1. 西汉哲学家董仲舒深研《周易》的“天人之学”,构成了卓绝的易学哲学思想——道法自然天人合一的和谐与统一思想。

2、Dong Zhongshu, a philosopher of the Western Han Dynasty, deeply studied the "study of heaven and man" in Zhouyi, which formed the outstanding philosophy of yi learning —— and explained the harmony and unity thought of the unity of nature and nature.


3、Meng Xi, one of the great masters of the third day of the Han Dynasty, explained the Book of Changes and put forward the four main hexagrams, the hexagrams in December, and the seven points of the six day

  1. 西汉今文易、京氏之学创始人京房,精通音律,发明纳甲、八宫、世应、飞伏、五星、四气等学说,能够运用象数理论准确占验

5、In the Western Han Dynasty, Jingfang, the founder of modern Wenyi and Jingshi, was proficient in music and invented the theories of Na Jia, Ba Gong, Fei Ying, Fei Fu, Five Star and four qi, and was able to use the elephant number theory to accurately test the test


6、Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty honored the Book of Changes as a Confucian classic, and the Book of Changes was listed in the highest academic status at that time.


7、The emperor of the honor of the ninth five people consulted the Book of Changes, and Emperor Hui set a precedent.

  1. 东汉科学家张衡以《周易》之象而作天文著作《灵宪》,首次正确解释月食的原因,画出有2500颗恒星的比较完备的星图,创制出浑天仪和测定地震的候风地动仪

8、Zhang Heng, a scientist in the Eastern Han Dynasty, wrote an astronomical book Ling Xian with the image of Zhouyi. For the first time correctly explained the reason for the lunar eclipse, drew a relatively complete star map of 2,500 stars, and created the armillary sphere and seismic seismograph


9、Zheng Xuan put forward the theory of lines, li xiang, Yi number, Yi learning exegesis and other theories, the existing "Yi Wei notes";


10、Xun Shuang, the representative of the Zhongxiang Mathematics school of the Han Dynasty, explained the eight palaces and flying fu, the main gua qi, and advocated it

  1. 东汉荆州刺史刘表提倡经学,其易学近于飞氏易,著有《易章句》等;

11、Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou in the Eastern Han Dynasty, advocated Confucian classics, which was close to Fei Yi, and wrote Yi Zhang Yu, and so on;


12、Wei Boyang, a famous alchemy in the Eastern Han Dynasty, wrote the Book of Changes, known as the "King of Wan Gu Dan Jing", which developed the health preservation and chemistry in China.


(三)The Three Kingdoms, two Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties


1、The Yu of The Three Kingdoms taught the study of Yi and was proficient in divination. He wrote the book "If two days, it should be broken"


2、Zhuge Liang of The Three Kingdoms knew of the eight formations method made by the Yellow Emperor, and led his troops to fight to form the "eight formations map" according to the sixty-four hexagrams of Fuxi. Using the Book of Changes to assist Liu Bei to create the foundation of Shu and make the world into a three-way position.


3、The land performance of The Three Kingdoms applied easy learning to the study of ephemeric arithmetic, and rethe number. Knowing that the day of death, I quit to mourn. He is the author of the Book of Changes


4、At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty and at the beginning of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Guo Pu was proficient in astronomy and divination of the five elements. He is the author of Dong Lin


5、Wang Bi explained Yi with Lao Zhuang metaphysics, which originated from Yi scholars of the Western Han Dynasty


6、Han Kangbo, an Yi scholar in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, perfected Wang Bi Yi Xue and believed that the Eight Diagrams, sixty-four hexagrams and hexagrams had the principles of the world


7、Xiao Yan, the knowledgeable Wudi of the Liang Dynasty, devoted himself to the Book of Changes, advocated Confucianism and Buddhism. He is the representative figure of the metaphysical school. Knead and easy way, Daxing Taoism, to solve easy. He is the author of the Great Art of Zhouyi.

《易经》是中华民族的智慧结晶,对象是:天道、地道、人道。即天体的运动规律;山川河流,地形地貌的的变化规律和合理利用; 人与人之间的和睦相处以及人如何遵循天道、地道,从而达到天地人三者之间的和谐与统一。The Book of Changes is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, the object is: heaven, tunnel, humanity. That is, the law of the movement of celestial bodies, mountains and rivers, the change and rational use of landform, the harmony between people and how to achieve the harmony and unity between heaven and earth.


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